Tuesday 17 June 2014

Quilt catchup

Again I have been slack in posting photos of completed quilts, so will attempt to catch up and schedule posts for each day this week. There just seems to have been so much other “stuff” happening lately, and quilt blogs have taken second place. I have still been quilting them though.
Quilt made by Maree, and quilted with a butterfly edge to edge pattern. Very pretty fabrics and turned out lovely.

Above an I Spy quilt, and I like the way it has been put together by Robyn, which breaks up the feature fabrics and adds more interest.

Above and below are both made by Jenny, the first a sampler quilt, and second  Garden Twist, in lovely Aussie fabrics and quilted also with edge to edge of Gum leaves.
Above another quilt made by Maree, and quilted with edge to edge called Pearl Strand. I love this pattern.
And this was made by Jenny awhile ago for her grandaughter’s first birthday. I waited to take photos after Jenny added all the 3D stuff, very cute quilt.
Hope you enjoyed the quilts, and I shall try to keep up in future.
Blessings, From Jude

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